Injustice runs deep in our society. But the soul’s capacity to resist and transform injustice runs even deeper.

Let’s dig deeper together.


I’m Dr. Christena Cleveland

I help justice leaders sharpen their understanding of the social realities that maintain injustice while also stimulating the soul’s enormous capacity to resist and transform those realities. 

How can you be more free? Free to truly love yourself? Free to love others well? Free to speak truth to power? Free to step off the plantation? Free to hope?

Let’s journey toward freedom together.



Sign up for my monthly newsletter in which I share resources and research that support justice advocates to cultivate racial identities that are free of shame and other toxic emotions!



Since shame is the learned belief that we are unworthy of love and belonging, we possess the power to unlearn and transform this belief. But in order to do that, we need to explore precisely how shame has partnered with white supremacy in our particular race stories. That’s why we created 28 Days of Shameless Liberation: Uncovering Your Race Story.

Over the course of this free, four-week self-paced program, we share fourteen engaging reflection exercises that empower you to gently excavate the shame in your race story. Share your email below to get started!


Integrating social science research, dynamic storytelling, and somatic practices, I facilitate transformational spaces in which individuals and organizations awaken and transform. Together we awaken to the biases, shame, fears, and attachments that impede our justice advocacy – and together we develop skills to transform them into courage, vulnerability, and solidarity-in-action. 

Invite me to make an in-person or virtual presentation to your community!


When Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) are free, all people are free. In just the last two years, we’ve granted over $130k in scholarships to BIPOC learners.  In 2023, we hope to offer FULL scholarships to Black trans and non-binary people, and with your support, we can make that happen! The easiest way to sustainably support BIPOC liberation is by joining my Patreon community! 

Bonus: As a patron, you’ll have full access to hundreds of articles + recorded practices, plus an entire community of justice-seekers who, like you, want to be more free!


​​Looking for my work on the Black Madonna? You’re in the right place!

My Black and female mind-body-spirit breathed for the first time when I first encountered the Black Madonna in my mid-30s. If you’re interested in the intersection of Black Liberation and the Divine Feminine, then oh my goddess do I have some treasures for you!